Ryan Malesevich

amateur runner, technology enthusiast, and friend to all dogs

Brief Hiatus

01 February 2025

Since launching my website I’ve had a recurring item in my To Do manager1 to do something related to this each day. January had been a particularly challenging time as my fitness goals increased, work topics increased, and I started teaching our beginner Flyball class. Something had to go, so while I attempted to stabilize my life I de-prioritized the blog. I had gotten into a great habit of having the recap post, but there wasn’t a lot to post for January due to this hiatus. I felt I needed to write something. Likely, the situation will remain the same through February and hopefully once the weather turns for the better in the Northern Hemisphere, I’ll come back in full force.

  1. I keep trying new applications, but I always find myself coming back to Todoist. Their Karma system got me hooked and since I started I’ve got 79,586 made up points with 69,496 completed tasks.