Ryan Malesevich

amateur runner, technology enthusiast, and friend to all dogs

2024 By the Numbers

02 January 2025

Rewinds or recaps have become increasingly popular. I rather enjoy the trend because it allows me to look back on the previous year and see how did I spend my time. I’m not a fan of the ones that launch in early December because I do like nice and clean cutoffs. The calendar year is arbitrary, but it’s the best option. Rather than looking at each service individually, I thought it would be fun to look at a lot of them to see the total numbers in 2024. Going one step further to look at the typical day puts the numbers into perspective. I’ve gathered data across 9 categories from 8 different services.


In the past I used services like RescueTime and Toggl, but through 2024 I scaled back and only used WhatPulse. WhatPulse runs on your computer(s) and records the total keystrokes, mouse clicks, and other stats. I started using it several years ago when I was struggling with Repetitive Strain Injury with my list wrist. Typing a lot could aggrevate it. I’ve strengthened the muscles and improved my ergonomics so RSI is less of a concern, but I still like to see the totals.

Category Yearly Total Daily Average
Keystrokes 8,380,497 22,898
Mouse clicks 937,569 2,561


If you’ve looked at my Fitness Logs, it’s apparent that I love to move and I love to record big numbers. I’ve pulled numbers from the Apple Health database and RunningAHEAD, my running log since I started running in 2007.

Category Yearly Total Daily Average
Steps 6,748,262 18,348
Miles Ran 1,307.6 3.57
Time Ran 182:50:26 00:29:58


Based on the following data, you could probably surmise that I don’t have children. It’s kind of shocking how much time I spend on some of these categories but a lot of it is doubled up. For example, podcasts are consumed when I run or walk.

Music is recorded by my scrobbles on Last.fm. TV plays are recorded on Trakt. Movie plays are recorded in Letterboxd. Podcasts are listened to with Overcast. Reading progress is recorded through Bookly.

Category Yearly Total Daily Average
Music Plays 13,878 38
TV Episode Plays 1,119 3
TV Play Time 771:00:00 02:06:24
Movie Plays 304 0.83
Movie Play Time 570:12:00 01:33:29
Podcast Play Time 1243:13:08 03:23:48
Pages Read 11,615 31.7
Reading Time 146:43:00 0:24:03
