Ryan Malesevich

amateur runner, technology enthusiast, and friend to all dogs

Apple Christmas

25 September 2024

On the most recent episode of the podcast, Cortex, one of the hosts CGP Grey mentioned the phrase ‘Apple Christmas’ that I particularly liked. Apple releases new iPhones and Apple Watches every September along with updates to all their operating systems. Getting these goodies does feel like Apple Christmas. Because I upgraded my phone and watch this year, I wanted to capture the reasons why I chose the devices that I did. It’ll help me next year when this train comes around again and I’m tempted to spend absurd money on incremental improvements.

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2024 Singapore Grand Prix Recap

23 September 2024

One of the fun things about starting new blogs is that authors need to find their voice and topics. I've been watching Formula 1 since I was turned onto in 2021. At that time I knew very little about the sport. The show did a wonderful job getting me interested and I immediately started watching Formula 1 in one of the most exciting season. I watched the domination of Red Bull through the next few years. While watching, I learned to appreciate all the aspects of the sport. Even in boring races, there is a lot of storylines to follow.

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Hello World

22 September 2024

Hi. Welcome to my website. My name is Ryan. Like most people, I have a lot of interests and I have a number of 'labels' that could describe me. Professionally, I lead a team of data engineering. Personally, data is one of my favorite things and permeates into every facet of my life.

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