Ryan Malesevich

amateur runner, technology enthusiast, and friend to all dogs

December 2024 Recap

01 January 2025

It’s surprising even to me that I’ve kept this up as long as I have. Creating posts and tweaking areas in the Projects area is becoming a habit now. My goal now is to increase the quality of my posts. December was a good month where I went down a fun rabbit hole that I summarized in various posts throughout the month.

Post Summary

My recaps of the Formula 1 season came to an end at the beginning of the month because the season is now over. I covered the Qatar and the Abu Dhabi Grand Prixees as the first posts of the month.

The Retro Gaming Project progress has slowed. Everything that I was writing allowed me to write my final recap on Lunar the Silver Star for the Sega CD. For Lunar, I added four entries to the RGP: an abridged playthrough video, details on an interview from Victor Ireland, President of Working Designs, disc variants, and the manual scan with interesting texts. I’m turning my attention to Lunar: Eternal Blue as I’m playing through it now. I posted the manual scan with interesting texts for EB.

Outside of that, my attention turned to my Homelab that I really took to in the last month. I made five posts chronicling the evolution of my setup. Some of the details were lost, so I’m not the most thrilled with the posts, but they do a decent job at getting me to the current scenario. Future posts will be a lot more detailed as I’m working on the Homelab with the chronicles in mind. I’d recommend checking them out!

  • Chapter 1 - first setup, network upgrade, and using Docker
  • Chapter 2 - securing my reverse proxy, moving my Pihole DNS setup, and using Docker Compose
  • Chapter 3 - more applications, backing up my Homelab, and improving security
  • Chapter 4 - a harrowing tale of moving to Jellyfin
  • Chapter 5 - ChatGPT limitations and Fail2Ban

Finally, I had one miscellaneous post about a cool utility I found that simulates the audio player on the Sega Saturn, called saturn.fm.

Website Changes

The Fitness Logs page has been updated with the December data.

Outside of the Homelab Chronicles, I’m moving some of the scripts that could be useful into their own pages under the Projects page. The first script allows for a way to reconnect SMB shares on macOS.

Tidbits and Miscellaneous Notes

It’s the start of a new year. I’m busy thinking about my themes, but over the next week, I’ll likely be sharing some of my retrospectives on 2024 from the various services that I use.
